Open an account using an E-Form Application

Enroll your Client Using an E-Form Application:

  • Enter your Broker/dealer BIN at the top of the application (if applicable) and proceed through the application using the “Next” button.
  • Visit the forms section to obtain the enrollment kit and other forms to assist your clients.
  • For sales support, contact your Voya Investment Management wholesaler at (800) 334-3444.

E-Form Application

Benefits of Enrollment via E-Forms:

  • Efficient – The E-Form allows for accounts to be established as soon as same day
  • Accurate – The E-Form requires certain fields to be completed to move forward, which ensures all required information is provided to prevent delays
  • Convenient – No longer requires a preprinted voided check
  • Environmentally Conscious – The E-Form eliminates all requirements for printed application forms
  • Availability – Available to all Broker/dealers that are not omnibus 529 processing for Tomorrow’s Scholar. Please follow your firm’s process for account openings.